Sunday, June 18, 2006

working outside

Working outside today. Whacked out my quota for the goddess Athene, finished a book review, drafted a new section for the canal book. Also read some extraordinary stories by Dominic Kerriou, journalist on a French daily paper who came to interview me some time ago and subsequently sent me these examples of his own creative writing. Graphic, modernist and rhythmically structured, and so very much in the French literary tradition - the omnipresent narrator semi-detached from his own observations - whilst imbued with a distinctive Breton flavour. Some striking conceits - the sex-obsessed couple where the woman grows fatter and fatter whilst the man gradually dwindles and dies, the experimental scientist who has trained a mongrel dog not only to talk but to speak various languages, including Breton: "qui n'est pas chose facile pour un chien matiné, meme savant." Great writing, interesting mind.
Now off for medicinal vodka before the big match.

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